目前分類:未分類文章 (62)
- Aug 30 Fri 2013 17:45
我寫做的一些經驗.(攷了四次四級!!) - 技能古道热肠得
- Aug 23 Fri 2013 17:17
Strike Against War Famous Speech by Helen Keller - 英語演講
To begin with, I have a word to say to my good friends, the editors, and others who are moved to pity me. Some people are grieved because they imagine I am in the hands of unscrupulous persons who lead me astray and persuade me to espouse unpoplular causes and make me the mouthpiece of their propaganda. Now, let it be understood once and for all that I do not want their pity; I would not change places withone of them. I know what I am talking about. My sources of are as good and reliable as anybody else's. I have papers and magazines from England, France, Germany and Austria that I can read myself. Not all the editors I have met can do that. Quite a number of them have to take their French and German second hand. No, I will not disparage the editors. They are an overworked, misunderstood class. Let them remember, though, that if I cannot see the fire at the end of their cigarettes, neither can they thread a needle in the dark. All I ask, gentlemen, is a fair field and no favor. I have entered the fight against preparedness and against the economic system under which we live. It is to be a fight to the finish, and I ask no quarter.
- Aug 20 Tue 2013 16:48
四級寫做心得20字訣 - 技能古道热肠得
Agreement: 主語跟謂語正在人稱、數上的一緻,關係代詞與先止詞的一緻。
- Aug 19 Mon 2013 17:05
論詩詞的忠實性 - 翻譯理論
- Aug 16 Fri 2013 17:21
President Bush Meets with Croatian Prime Minister Sanader -
- Aug 14 Wed 2013 17:14
天後夏偶推獲哈佛表扬(演講齐文) - 英語演講
- Aug 13 Tue 2013 17:15
Vice Presidents Remarks to the Washington Institute for Near
- Aug 09 Fri 2013 17:00
President Bush Weles German Chancellor Merkel - 英語演講
November 9, 20
PRESIDENT BUSH: Laura and I are thrilled to wele the Chancellor and Professor Sauer here to our place. In Texas when you invite somebody to your home it's an expression of warmth and respect, and that's how I feel about Chancellor Merkel. And so, Madam Chancellor, wele. We're looking forward to having constructive talks as well as a chance to relax and visit.
- Aug 08 Thu 2013 13:14
- Aug 06 Tue 2013 16:03
On Taxes - 英語演講
- Aug 05 Mon 2013 17:04
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Third Inaugural Address (1941) - 英
This speech was delivered at a time when the military forces of Germany and Japan enjoyed a series of victories over seemingly weakling democratic nations. By early 1941, the German Reich had spread throughout most of Western Europe, while the Japanese Empire covered vast areas of the South Pacific.
- Aug 01 Thu 2013 15:52
Technical and technological skills will take on greater importance. There will be a growing need for people who can understand and fix systems--from puter systems to product distribution systems to plumbing systems.
- Jul 31 Wed 2013 16:00
1.And gladly would learn, and gladly teach. ( Chaucer, British poet)
- Jul 30 Tue 2013 16:14
- Jul 29 Mon 2013 17:45
翻譯:[看圖說詞] 童年游戲知几?
答網友“abc”:我們玩的“擊鼓傳花”能够翻譯成Pass the flower或是间接用弄法类似的中國游戲Pass the parcel稱吸,“擊鼓傳花”常常在一些活動時作為選人的一種游戲,我們能够起首選派一個人做為擊饱或播放音樂的主持人,為了避嫌他必須揹對傳花者,鼓聲或音樂響起時其别人開初傳遞花束(或其他取代品),進止一段時間後主持人會隨機结束音樂,這時花傳到誰的手裏誰便要遭到懲罰,例如演出節目等等。而外國小伴侣的Pass the parcel和“擊鼓傳花”的目标則完整分歧,這是一個獲得禮物的小游戲,禮物可所以巧克力、糖果或是一本童話書等,用一張紙把它包起來,接著再拿一張紙繼續把它包起來,這樣包個十層摆布,然後參加游戲的人圍坐在一路,由一人把持音樂的響起战停滞,參减者則開始正在脚中顺次傳遞這個Parcel,音樂每停一次,获得Parcel的小友人便打開一層“包裹”,曲到最後的包裹被打開,獲勝者即可以擁有這份禮物。别的,翻譯,為了增添游戲的兴趣性跟參加者的積極性,我們還可以在各層之間附加一些其余的小禮物,打開那層包裹的人同樣也能够獲得一份小禮物。
- Jul 26 Fri 2013 12:32
- Jul 25 Thu 2013 16:09
it’s human error:人皆會犯錯
- Jul 25 Thu 2013 13:07
President Bush Attends Division Review Ceremony - 英語演講
May 22, 2008
THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank you for the warm wele to Fort Bragg. It is good to be at the home of the Airborne and Special Operation Forces. This is my fourth visit to Fort Bragg since I have been honored to be the President. Somehow I always find my way back to the "center of the universe." (Applause.) And every time I e, I look forward to saying: Hooah!
- Jul 24 Wed 2013 16:47
Pope Benedict XVI - In This Place of Horror (2006) - 英語
Born in Germany in 1927, Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) grew up in a nation dominated by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. As a teenager, he was obliged to join the Hitler Youth, like all German boys. Toward the end of the war, he served in the German Army, operating an auxiliary anti-aircraft unit, although it is said he never fired a shot and eventually deserted. He was ordained in 1951, taught college-level theology courses and was a theological advisor to the Second Vatican Council which enacted sweeping reforms throughout the Church. In 1977, he was made a Cardinal by Pope Paul VI. He later moved to Rome and was elevated to the esteemed Order of Bishops by Pope John Paul II and helped rewrite the Church's Catechism. In April , upon the death of Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected as Pope. Like his predecessor John Paul II, he soon traveled outside of Rome, first to his native Germany in August , and then to Poland in May 2006. In Poland, he visited Oswiecim, which the Nazis had called Auschwitz, and thus became the second Pope to walk the grounds of Hitler's most notorious death camp.