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Remarks of President Barack Obama
Weekly Address

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Ace Radio brings you the special edition on The Power of Education.The programme mainly covers the fantastic parts of speeches delivered by the two great icons Bill Gates and Michelle Obama.Bill Gates is implying that efficient solutions to problems depend on people who can stimulate interest, passion and the desire to improve the world. In most cases, these people are teachers or other intellectual advisors; On the other hand,Michelle Obama makes a passionate,中日翻譯, personal case for each student to take education seriously. It is this new, brilliant generation, she says, that will close the gap between the world as it is and the world as it should be. Ace Radio hopes that every one of you can enjoy your education in lifetime!

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England have crashed out of Euro 2008 after losing a disastrous game at Wembley against Croatia.

They got off to the worst possible start when new keeper Scott Carson made a dreadul howler in the eighth minute and allowed a shot from distance to bounce off his shoulder into the net.

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Whenever you feel very depressed and really cannot bear it anymore, you have to treat yourself good. Go into the best coffee shop that you've always liked but always feared to spend money, buy the suit that you've always wanted but you thought was too expensive. Treat yourself nicely at that time because you need it. Just like someone else in time of need -- you have to comfort him, give him the best, give him the best support and love, and spoil him. You have to spoil yourself, give yourself the best support when you need it most -- like when you're depressed, when you feel you really cannot live anymore, cannot go on anymore. At that time you must treat yourself nicely. If you can afford anything, afford it. You can earn money later again, you can earn your time again,航空翻譯, but you have to put yourself together first. You have to stand up first.

  I don't say you go out and do shopping every day and spend all the money on the big coffee shop, on the best clothes. But, when you are the most depressed and you can't go on anymore with life, then you cannot afford to economize anymore. You have to spoil yourself, love yourself the most, then you pick up very fast. Yeah, go out and talk to people, treat yourself like a queen, spend money, whatever, to make yourself feel good. At that time only, not every day, if you can afford it. And if you cannot spend a lot of money, then go to somewhere that is not a lot of money but you can also find something that you like. It's not always necessary to go to expensive places to find the things you like. Just some new clothes, some new hairstyle, new perm, everything would make you feel different right away. New makeup. These are not expensive.

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2 工程英語的特點

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大家有沒有這樣的經驗,自行車如果站在這裡是站不穩的,但是如果騎起來的話就會很穩,而且是騎得越快,越穩。所以如果我們想要取得什麼成績的話呢,中譯法,就一定要先行動起來,而不是只想不做。 現在的市面上有很多英文翻譯社,如光光是高雄就不知道有多少間翻譯公司彼此之間的競爭力是非常大的,怎樣才能在競爭中立於不敗之地呢,就是這些公司的管理人員所要考慮的問題了。 首先呢,很自然的就是不要等待著客戶自己找上門來,要主動出擊,就像是行動起來的自行車,只有不斷往前走,才能持續前進。大多數的英文翻譯社都有著很強的英語基礎,因為畢竟他們是靠這些吃飯的。但是如果我們想要做的更好的話,要在保證品質的基礎上,提高效率,同樣是一篇翻譯的話,人們往往想要那些迅速的。有時候公司職員會來我們這些翻譯公司要求翻譯檔,這些檔對他們來說一定是工作需要。如果我們能儘快翻譯完成的話,就會給他們留下更多的時間來完成任務。 再者,我們還要儘量降低價格。就這一方面,我們可以本公司內部自己進行英語翻譯的培養,然後呢把部分成績優異的學生收為己用,這樣我們一邊收取學費,德語翻譯,又能為自己培養高品質人才,可謂一舉兩得。 最後,一定要意識到,我們與客戶的合作不可能只有一次,往往回頭客才是我們需要的客戶。所以我們每次的工作都要做到最好,時刻注意與客戶保持聯繫,讓每一個進入我們英文翻譯社的人都成為我們忠實的擁護者,不論地點是在高雄或是台北都是一樣的。   天成翻譯社(http://www.5sister.tw)轉載請著名出處     最專業的翻譯社 五姊妹(旗下华硕)企業翻譯社:http://www.5sister.tw 連絡電話:02-2369-0932客服信箱:t0989298406@gmail.com   天成翻譯社推薦相關文章閱讀: 天成翻譯社推薦-五姊妹(旗下华硕)英文翻譯社 英文翻譯社價錢是一條不斷增長的直線互相競爭英文翻譯時重要的十點規則-五姊妹(旗下华硕)英文翻譯社
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